Misinformation on Covid-19

On Instagram, anyone is able to post anything. This leads to misinformation on many important topics like Covid-19. Some people have been posting hoaxes and false news which many people can see and believe. These posts can also be shared to other people and reposted which leads to misinformation. Although a lot of fake news travels around, Instagram has been taking down and acknowledging the false information.

Even though fake news can spread through social media so does real news. A lot of information is passed using social media which is convienient for people to get updates and info. There are also posts about how people can stay safe during this pandemic. For example, there are many safety tips to keeping clean like always wear a mask when outside or disinfect your hands using hand sanitizer. These helpful tips can save people's lives.

With this fake news spreading, many different social medias have been taking down posts and trying to clear misinformation. So far, Instagram has removed Covid-19 accounts from account recommendations and Covid-19 content from the Explore page. They also have a third-party fact-checking to fact-check the information found on the post. Twitter has also been taking action to stop the spread of fake news. They have been labeling tweets with a misleading label.